3 Simple but Shocking Things You Should Never Do at a Funeral

Going to a funeral is a meaningful way to show your support to the family members and other loved ones of the deceased person. Simply being there can be one of the best gifts that you can give to mourners. However, when it comes to funeral etiquette, it can be difficult to discern what's the best way to conduct yourself. Simply knowing what not to do is half the battle. Be sure to avoid making these social mistakes when you attend a funeral.

Stop! Don't Tell the Mourners You Know How They Feel

One of the most common mistakes that people make at a funeral is oversimplifying the grief of those who are closest to the deceased person. Every loss is unique, and so is every person's grief. Don't tell any of the mourners that you know how they feel even if you have experienced a loss that seems similar. Instead, keep the focus on the bereaved people and express your sympathy.

Stop! Don't Ignore the Wishes of the Family

Since it is common to have flowers sent to a funeral service, it may seem logical to order them before you even read the death announcement or obituary. However, it's becoming increasingly common for families to express alternate wishes for sympathy gifts.

Flowers may never make it further than the graveside, so mourners oftentimes prefer a more lasting gift, such as a donation to a charity in honor of the loved one. If you are going to a funeral, be sure to check to see what the family's preferences are before paying for a sympathy gift.

Stop! Don't Speak Ill of the Deceased Person

If you have negative experiences with the deceased person, let that go for at least the time you spend at the funeral. There is no need to let fellow mourners in on the drama. Although you may not have perfect memories of the person, the memorial service is a time for mourners to express their grief over a loss. No matter how tempting it may be to get the frustration off your chest, air grievances at another place and time.

Finally, keep in mind that every funeral is unique, and there are exceptions to nearly any rule. Unless you are going to a funeral under very rare circumstances, though, it's a good idea to avoid making the above faux pas. They could embarrass you and cause distress to mourners during an already difficult time. If you're ever in doubt of how to proceed, it might be helpful to talk to the staff at a funeral home, such as http://www.elmwoodmeunier.net, before deciding what to do.
