Are You Looking To Purchase A Headstone? Questions You Need To Ask The Cemetary Before Purchasing One

Funeral and burial expenses can be costly. As such, it is not uncommon for people to wait a few weeks or even months to purchase a headstone after the death of a loved one. If you are now ready to begin searching for the perfect headstone for your loved one's grave, it is important to ask the cemetery a few questions first. While cemeteries are not allowed to dictate which vendors you can purchase a headstone from, they can require you to adhere to certain rules and regulations regarding the size, color and type of headstone. Here are a few questions you will want to ask a cemetery before you buy a headstone.

Are There Size Requirements for the Headstone?

One of the first questions you should ask a cemetery is whether there are size requirements for the headstone. Many cemeteries only allow certain sizes for their headstones. If the headstone is too large, a cemetery will not allow it so it is important to learn about size restrictions before ordering one.

What Types of Headstones Do You Allow?

Another important question to ask a cemetery is what types of headstones they allow. There are different types of headstones that are sold, including flat headstones, pillow headstones, serp top slants, serp top uprights and benches. However, not every type of cemetery allows every type of headstone. Some do not allow raised ones, like serp top slants, serp top uprights or benches because they want to keep the line of sight clear for everyone and raised ones are more challenging to maintain. Other cemeteries only allow flat headstones because they are easier to garden and landscape around. Always ask which types of headstones are allowed and adhere to those rules.

Do You Have Any Color, Paint or Photograph Restrictions?

Headstone manufacturers are able to create unique headstones for your loved one. They can paint designs on the headstone, incorporate a picture into the design, or use fun granite or ceramic colors to create a colorful headstone. However, some cemeteries prefer a uniform look and only allow certain colors of headstones, such as white, black or bronze.

Do You Require Lawn Mower Proof Edges or Beveled Edges?

The last question you should ask a cemetery before ordering a headstone is whether they require certain types of edges on the stone, such as lawn mower proof edges or beveled edges. Both edge types make it easy to mow or weed whack the grass around the headstone without damaging the material. Many cemeteries are opting for these edges to keep their operating costs low and to keep your loved one's headstone looking great for years to come.

The headstone you pick is your final way to memorialize your loved one. As such, you will likely put a lot of time and thought into selecting the perfect one. Unfortunately, cemeteries often have restrictions as to the sizes, colors and types of headstones that can be placed in the cemetery. Always ask questions about headstone restrictions before ordering a headstone to ensure the one you pick can be used at the cemetery you have selected for your loved one. Talk with a business such as Maurice Moore Memorials for more information.
