Pros And Cons Of Having Someone Photograph The Cremation Service

Being asked to plan a loved one's cremation service is a serious responsibility and a great privilege. It can also be frustrating sometimes when you must make tough choices. Sometimes you may need to make a decision that might be unpopular among some of your fellow mourners. If you're trying to decide whether you should have a photographer at the cremation service, consider these pros and cons.

Pro: Photographs Can Document the Celebration of the Person's Life

While you probably won't long to recall memories that are made at a cremation service, you can benefit from documenting the memorial service. After all, it is the last event in the person's life, one that celebrates a life well lived. The deceased person's presence may be felt in a sense because so many people who loved that person are all gathered together.

You may also look back at photographs and recall all the support you received during this difficult time, and that may bring additional comfort during the long process of grief.

Con: Having a Photographer May Make Some Mourners Uncomfortable

Since it's not the "norm" at every cremation service, the presence of a photographer at a cremation service can make some people uncomfortable. Be prepared for the fact that some people may feel judgmental at the sight of a photographer taking pictures of the casket or those who are attending the cremation service.

Some of the people at the cremation service might think it's morbid that you want to photograph such a somber event. Others may not want to be photographed while they are crying and deeply distraught, and they may fear that even a respectful photographer may accidentally capture them in an image while they are upset.

Pro: You Can Share Photographs With Those Who Can't Attend

Unfortunately, oftentimes not everybody who wants to attend a funeral can do so. Whether it's job commitments, personal responsibilities, financial problems, or other reasons, loved ones may be unable attend and be deeply saddened by this. When you photograph the event, you can share how the person was remembered, and that may bring comfort to people who can't attend.

Finally, keep in mind that you need to trust yourself to make the right choice. Since you were asked to plan the cremation service or otherwise were granted the power to do so, you should rest assured that you knew the loved one so well that you are qualified to make this choice. Ultimately go with the decisions that suits you and best honors your loved one's memory. For more information, contact a business such as Danks-Hinski Funeral Home.
