How To Arrange Burial Services In The Winter

Arranging a burial service can be difficult, particularly with unpredictable weather. Arranging this type of service in the winter can be a special challenge. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to ensure your loved one gets a proper sendoff no matter how cold or snowy the weather might get. Here are a few things to consider as you plan the burial service.

Arrange For Indoor Services

Some cemeteries have field houses or pavilions that can be used during inclement weather. This option can help to keep mourners warm and dry while still being able to read the final prayers and place flowers on the casket. If you feel obligated, you or someone you trust can remain behind afterward to see the casket lowered into the ground.

Arrange For A Limo Bus

With cold weather comes potential car problems, and you don't want anyone's vehicle breaking down during the fueral procession. Instead, work with your funeral home to rent ,limousines or limo buses to transport everyone to the cemetery. Arrange with the driver to stay on site with the heater on so that any mourners who have difficulty dealing with the cold can seek relief during the services.

Pack Snow Brushes

Unfortunately, snow can build up quickly, which means that gravestones from family plots can be covered in snow by the time you and your family arrive for the burial service. Be sure to bring some extra snow brushes, like those you might use to clean off your car, so you can clear off the headstones of family members ahead of the burial service. You may also want to bring some wreaths to place at their graves during the ceremony as well.

Forego The Graveside Service

Having a graveside service isn't required. You can remain at the church or funeral home and complete all prayers and devotions in one place. You won't have to wrestle with freezing temperatures, which can be difficult for young children and older mourners to deal with. This also means less driving in potentially hazardous conditions, which helps to ensure the safety of everyone in attendance. For added peace of mind, you or a family member can travel to the cemetery after the funeral with the funeral home director to see your loved one off this one last time.

Talk to your funeral home director about different options for a burial service during the winter months, and choose the options that are right for you and your family.
