Pre-Planning Your Funeral? 3 Mistakes To Avoid

Death is an unfortunate part of life. While it is impossible to plan for it, you can prepare yourself and your family for it. Today, more and more people realize that pre-planning their final wishes is important, yet they fail to do so for various reasons. Of course, you may not realize how or where to get started. With this guide, you will learn a few mistakes to avoid when pre-planning your burial.

Waiting Until the End

Most people do not know when they will pass away. However, many people wait too long to start the process of pre-planning their final wishes. Continuing to procrastinate on the planning process can be risky, especially if you are terminally ill or in the elderly stages of your life.

Remember that there is no guarantee on how long you will live, so you may run out of time while waiting to pre-plan your funeral. Even if you are not sick or elderly, the time to start pre-planning is now.

Get started as soon as possible to ensure all of your plans are made ahead of time, reducing the financial and emotional stress on your loved ones left behind.

Being Unclear in Your Plans

You and you alone know what you want at the end of your life. Therefore, you need to communicate these wishes in your final plans. Make sure your wishes are documented legally to avoid any unclarity and confusion among the family once you pass away.

If you want a traditional funeral and burial, make sure to add clear instructions in your plan. Document where you would like the funeral held and where you want to be buried. Many funeral homes and funeral directors offer pre-planning services that can walk you through each step of the planning process.

If you want to be cremated, document this desire, as well. Many loved ones left behind feel their loved one deserves more than a cremation and opt for burial, which will increase the costs of your final wishes. If you feel cremation is best and you want your loved ones to adhere to this, you need to include it in your pre-planning.

Not Paying in Advance

You may be surprised to learn you can pre-pay for your final expenses ahead of time, and there are many different options available to make these payments in advance. Other than a traditional life insurance policy, consider burial insurance or pre-need insurance. Both options allow you to pay for your final wishes before you pass away. Pre-paying gives you peace of mind, but it also helps reduce the stress on your loved ones once you pass away.

Talk with a funeral home that offers cremation and burial pre-planning services about your wishes. 
