Cemetery Monuments: What Should You Know?

If you're in the midst of pre-planning your funeral arrangements, you may consider obtaining a headstone for your burial site. But if you want to create a family estate burial site for you and your loved ones, you may want to obtain something larger than a traditional headstone. You can order and purchase a monument to mark your family's burial site. Learn more about monuments and what type of monument to obtain for your family below.

What Are Monuments?

Although many individuals and families use headstones to mark their burial sites, some people choose to use monuments instead. Monuments, or cemetery monuments, look similar to traditional headstone markers. But unlike headstones, which can be small and compact, monuments tend to be large and significantly more impressive. Monuments designate all types of burial sites, including family estate burial plots or sites.

Family estate monuments come in many forms, including statues, sculptures, and obelisks. Monuments may also come in unique shapes, such as abstract sculptures and triangles. Some families choose to turn their family crests into monuments. 

Monuments generally contain the names of every deceased member of the family. The markers may display specific information about each member, including their nicknames and contributions to society. The information is usually engraved on the surface of the monument. 

If you think a family estate or cemetery monument will benefit your family, obtain a monument today.

What Type of Monument Should You Order?

You want to speak to a funeral home directly for the monument you need. A funeral home may create, engrave, and safeguard your monument until you need it. If you choose to obtain your monument right away, you may be able to purchase a family burial plot from a funeral home as well.

A funeral home will request different things from you during the creation of your marker, including the type of material you wish to use for your marker. You can choose granite, white marble, or onyx for your monument. You may also choose to use a combination of materials for your monument.

You also want to select the shape of your monument. You can use a shape that reflects your family's crest, history, or lifestyle. If you don't know what shape to use for your monument, ask a funeral home to assist you with the decision.

Learn more about cemetery monuments and how to obtain a marker for your family's burial needs by consulting a funeral home today
